All the main structures and details were designed in
SketchUp, and 3d printed on an Afinia H series printer using ABS filament. The decks are built from strip wood, the
figures, the best I can remember, are all from Preiser, but were unfinished and
I painted them. All the structures were
printed in multiple pieces and solvent welded together, with the window and
detail all being separate pieces. The
shingles on the center unit are paper that I designed. All the interior window treatments are
printed on paper or printed directly on the clear plastic glass material. The
truck is a Wheel Works metal kit with custom decals.
Roof details.
Working left to right. The scupper for draining the rain water off the
roof was 3d printed, and the drain pipe is a styrene strip. The roof access stair is a one piece 3d print. On the center unit, the chimney and railing
(3 pieces) were also 3d printed. I would
not do the railing that way again, scratch building it from styrene would have
been easier and faster. On the yellow
unit, the main roof, dormer, dormer roof and window are all separate 3d printed
Main structures. The
two end units are both concrete block construction, and the center unit has lap
siding (my first try at that, including several failed prints). The red unit I modeled as a four unit
apartment building, including the basement apartment. The other two units were treated as single
family row houses. The bar-b-que grill
is based on actual drawing for a 1940’s era design I found on a South Dakota
University web site. The grate in the grill is some
left over mesh from an Ambroid pulp wood car deck.
Mrs. Smith is bringing out some drinks while Mr. Smith sits
on the porch (the center unit).
(the red unit)
Mr. Hayden is having a cup of coffee and
relaxing on his top floor deck. Mrs.
Houston has come out on the deck carrying her to check on her husband who is on
the ground talking with Mrs. West. Mr.
West is sitting beside her on the deck, but does not look happy about being
neglected. Easy Ed, the best carpenter
in town, has just come out of his basement apartment to move his truck.
I had to send the 3d printer in for service, but I just received it back. I have a few projects to finish, then I hope to start on a small HON30 layout.
Previous posts on this project showing drawings and construction details.