A wine tank car based on European prototypes and lettered for the Sardou Winery. I started with an Roundhouse shorty flat car and added G scale barrels. I made the yokes from styrene and used chart tape for the metal strapping. I added Grandt Line nut, bolt and washer casting to hold the straps tight against the tanks.

A standard Athearn box car with a Westerfield end spliced on. A fairly simple project. These first three models I actually started 10 years ago, and now, finally getting back in to the swing of life, I am getting some of these done.

This is a basic Athearn kit with a modified dome based on an article in the September 1989 Railmodel Journal. The lettering for "Texas Natural Gasoline Corp", and "Tulsa, Oklahoma" was done with decals, one letter at a time, as there are not decals available for this prototype. AND it there are decals available, please don't tell me now.

An old Mantua kit obtained from the River Road. I added weight, some details and light weathering. As you can see, I tend to lean toward the older kits.
A 50' flat car kit from A-C. I placed a 1/8" piece of steel under the floor instead of the wood supplied. The finished weight of this car is 5.4 oz.

This is a A-C kit, supplied with metal sides and sills, cardboard for the center section, and wood end sections. I put steel inserts under the raised ends for weight, and then glued scribed wood on top. For the center section I drilled out sheet brass to replace the cardboard that was supplied. This model weighs in at 3.4 oz without a load. I built up the sloped area with styrene and used styrene for the anchor points.