Or at least not in the mood. Holly and I have made several trips to Joplin since the disaster, and that, along with work, left little time for model railroading.
Hanrahan Reefer
This is a La Belle wood kit that I started a decade ago. I really like to older style wood kits. These kits are still available at labellemodels.com. Rick Steele, the owner of La Belle, recently purchased the old Red Ball line and will be reintroducing it. The Hanrahan Ice Bunker car is unique as far as I know, in that most ice bunk cars had ice bunkers as at both ends, and a loading door in the center, but the Hanrahan is basically the opposite.
Planes, yes, ya gotta have a few planes

This is a long discontinued AHM kit for a Bell P-39Q Airacobra. There are not a lot of 1/87 scale planes available. I have 6-8 planes, so I will have to model and airport.
HON3 Gondola

This is a Bachman standard gauge car, purchased ready-to-run. I took it apart but a section out of the middle to convert it in to a 3' gauge car. I did some fairly heavy weathering, and I lettered this for my Trees Unlimited logging line.